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Saturday, December 11, 2010

[wikileaks logo]
It was just a few months ago the world was going waka waka thanks to FIFA world cup and it's catchy song sung by Shakira. Now the world is all going wiki wiki, thanks to Wikileaks and it's chief editor Julian Assange.

Seriously, this website literally shook many big brothers of the world. Now i see Wikileaks news in every headlines i see.Whether it is on news channel, newspaper or entertainment channels, It is there making news. I must say Wikileaks is pretty well guarded, supported (and funded) organization since without these three, the site would not even make it for a day.

There has been several cases which seems to pressurize wikileaks to shut down. First the was taken down by its DNS, Then comes the Paypal, which refused to accept donations for Wikileaks. Whatever the case, Wikileaks seems to continue on the rampage, exposing war crimes, corruption, espionage, abuse and other matters which are normally censored and classified. There has been several attacks, both directly and indirectly, from various countries and institutions Wikileaks exposed.

I'm not a fan of Wikileaks, But what fascinated me was the step they took. Exposing Intenational crimes and scandals. I wonder how the sources muster up courage to submit information to them. Just thinking about it gives me a frightening chill. Imagine giving out information which can put you in harms way. If it was against some organization which is widely known for crimes and terror was different. You can expect Law enforcement agencies and government to protect you. But when you give out information that can put you on wrong side of the law, who can you approach for safety? It is suicidal if the information relates both banned organization and government of the country you are staying in. But thanks to wikileak's military grade encryption, suite of security technology, and its privacy policies, you can have some relief that most probably you are not going to have agencies blasting through your door.

From exposing the classified information to alleged sex offense. An investigation opened against Assange and an arrest warrant was issued against him in connection with sexual encounters with two women (source:Wikipedia). Assange, in his defense, stated that he had consensual sexual encounters with these women, and also that this was a deliberate set up made by enemies of wikileaks.

Did Assange sexually assaulted these two women? or was it a set up made by his enemies? Can wikileaks stand up against the pressure? or will it succumb subsequently?. There are Many questions to be answered. As the time flies by, hopefully, we may get the answers to these questions..

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