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Sunday, December 19, 2010

How to protect yourself from scams

1.If the offer is too good to be true, then it probably is. Stay away from such deals.

2.Never send money to someone to meet online. Even if you know them for a long time.

3.Don't share personal information like address, phone number online.

4. Don't Download any executable files sent by someone you just met online, or any other friend( ask him/her first whether they sent it, there is a chance that your friend's email computer is infected by a self replicating worm) There is no saying what damage it can cause.

5. Think twice before posting pictures of yourselves, family and friends on the internet.Scammers might steal your pictures to use them for their profit, or gain information about you.

6. If you get an email which looks like a scam, delete it right away. It may have a read receipt that allows the sender to know that you have read the mail and you may be target for more annoying emails.

7. Even for sake of entertainment or education, don't respond to the scammers. These are very dangerous criminals. It might look adventurous, but goofing around with such people is certainly not a healthy activity. If you are being troubled by such people, contact your local authorities.

8.If hit by hitman scam, don't fret. Unless the email contains details which can identify you like your name, address, city, there is no need to get scared.Just hit the delete button right away.

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