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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dotted by DOTA.

[Image from, I DONT OWN THE IMAGE]
Hey folks, i was unable to post anything yesterday as i was busy with a lot of work and my study quota was not complete. Anyways, today i'm going to the games again. i recently played DOTA AI map And i loved it like hell. I played Warcraft:Reign of chaos and Frozen throne previously, so i gave the DOTA:All stars maps a try and it was too good. The idea of having RPG and RTS elements without boring things like resource management, unit production is all what a RPG fan can ask for. I must say it is very addictive and it's very hard to get off the computer once you are hooked on it.

At first it was very confused. With over 90 odd heroes( i don't know whether there are newer maps ) it was pretty tough decision to make. Gradually it was clear what was to be done and i set out, killing creeps and getting killed by creeps/heroes. I always seemto loose when i play as The Scourge. So i always go for the Sentinels. I heard many of my friends say that DOTA is lot of fun and highly addictive. I never knew what they meant until i tried it on my own. I played it for several hours until finally i was tired out. Lookin forward for online play. Any takers?

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