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Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy new year and merry x'mas :)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Dotted by DOTA.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Humour:Gender Inequality on Facebook
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Youtube Video's i found very funny.
Angry German Kid Vs Microsoft:
Halo Funny Situations:
Rajnikanth castrol ad:
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Funny series:Surviving a horror movie
Imagine you are watching a movie late night. Suddenly hands grow out of your TV and drag you into the movie. You know there is a homicidal killers, bloody monsters from hell, aliens, ghosts out here to taste your blood. These tips can probably prevent you from seeing yourself gutted out.
1.Be a girl: Now before anybody says im a cross-dresser, let me say im not. In most horror movies, the person who survives is probably a female. Being a female greatly increases your chances of survival, with all the males ready to sacrifice for you. And for God's sake, Don't just stand there staring your friends heart ripped apart. Run girl run!!!
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How to protect yourself from scams
2.Never send money to someone to meet online. Even if you know them for a long time.
3.Don't share personal information like address, phone number online.
4. Don't Download any executable files sent by someone you just met online, or any other friend( ask him/her first whether they sent it, there is a chance that your friend's email computer is infected by a self replicating worm) There is no saying what damage it can cause.
5. Think twice before posting pictures of yourselves, family and friends on the internet.Scammers might steal your pictures to use them for their profit, or gain information about you.
6. If you get an email which looks like a scam, delete it right away. It may have a read receipt that allows the sender to know that you have read the mail and you may be target for more annoying emails.
7. Even for sake of entertainment or education, don't respond to the scammers. These are very dangerous criminals. It might look adventurous, but goofing around with such people is certainly not a healthy activity. If you are being troubled by such people, contact your local authorities.
8.If hit by hitman scam, don't fret. Unless the email contains details which can identify you like your name, address, city, there is no need to get scared.Just hit the delete button right away.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
Online Scams
How to trace an Email:
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How Facebook changed our lives:
Let's skip the internet thing for now. Lets talk about Facebook. Designing( I'd say invention) facebook was perhaps the best thing netizens could have hoped for. Maintaining friends, interacting with them was taken to a whole new level. You can play games with them, upload images rather than sending photos through postal. Everyone started taking things for granted. You don't talk to people who you see frequently in your life but you don't forget to add them on facebook, that poor guy thinks he just got a friend.Wrong, he is neither a real friend nor false friend, you are just an increment to the friend counter. How does that feel? after adding to list, if the person sees his "increment" somewhere, he won't even bother to smile. that is pathetic.
Facebook is a great way to pass time. i have absolutely nothing to say against that.However, if you have annoying relatives, and they post embarrassing picture of yourself tagged it, you can expect many ROFL's from your friends. Your friends come to know about you are tagged in a photo. The real problem comes when you go to school or work next day. I bet you can see your friends giggling as you walk by and some ask you about the photo too. There is nothing more frustrating than being made a laughing stock publicly.
The greetings and gifts, They always made feel important and better. I appreciate sending "virtual" gifts and cards. But don't you think if one gets REAL card and gifts, he'll be more happy?. After all a small Rs.50 worth pencil stand has more value than virtual diamond rings or a BMW ( I would have appreciated that too ;) ). My friends staying in hostel do celebrate birthdays. Forget gifts and cards, even wishes are now in form on posts or scraps. Where are the days when you give birthday bumps till the person cries for mercy? where's the spirit of spending whole day just to arrange a surprise party for your pal. I agree there is nothing wrong celebrating birthday on facebook. But celebrating it in real is a lot different and fun
and bond of friendship strengthens up.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hit By Nostalgia part 2: The cartoons of 1990 era
[Images belong to their respective trademark owners.]
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Hit by nostalgia part 1:Cartoons of 1990 era
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Printer Demon
I smell a "mouse" in my laptop.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Signs that indicate you are craving badly to be in a relationship.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Top 5 Games i love
Saturday, December 11, 2010
After Installation got over, i played with the bots for practice, though they were no thing but dumb dummies who would just stare at you instead of spraying lead. Taking them out was no big deal for me, which gave me over confidence that i'm a professional CS player ready to "pwn n00bs" online. so with great determination, i searched for CS servers in India, i found a couple of servers which i found pretty neat and joined. The next minute was not like what i had expected.
I started getting "owned" like a little kitten within minutes i started the game. After being killed 20-30 times without mercy in a row, by shooting skills began to improve a little bit. before i could realize what happened i got a messaging which said i have been kicked. i was shocked to see this. I logged into the server again and played fine for about 15-20 minutes. I scored
a lucky shot through the door or something like that, when i was accused of wall hacking, a hack where the opaque game objects was made transparent by means of third party software. This really annoyed me, and i was about to justify myself when server administrator did not permanently ban me from the server.
Well, no matter, there are tons of other servers laying around, this where the latency problem started, Most of there servers kick you out if your latency or ping is greater than 200, and almost all the times on these servers, my ping was around 300. which was pretty dumb and caused me to lag frequently and getting kicked out faster than you blink your eyes. It was very frustating when your scores are good and when you are about to get top 3 position, you get kicked like a mangy cat.
Apart from hacking and other silly stuff, i pretty much enjoyed CS. I don't like violence much, but this was where i began to get sadistic. I enjoyed blowing heads off, gutting out with knife and all the not-so-gore stuff. I came to know some of the weapons thoroughly and one of my teammate said play lik 14-15 hours a day for a year straight and you'll be almost a professional.
If it takes that long to be a professional, i'm happy being a newbie. no offense, but there are many other priorities in life than a game. I still play it after im done with my work and stuff. After all who does not like to kill people without spilling a drop of blood online?. Let the game begin!!!
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