Please feel free to leave a comment. After all, only criticism paves way for perfection. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy new year and merry x'mas :)

Plan your resolutions for this year and stick to it atleast this mine. SO far i have not been successful. Have fun :)

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dotted by DOTA.

[Image from, I DONT OWN THE IMAGE]
Hey folks, i was unable to post anything yesterday as i was busy with a lot of work and my study quota was not complete. Anyways, today i'm going to the games again. i recently played DOTA AI map And i loved it like hell. I played Warcraft:Reign of chaos and Frozen throne previously, so i gave the DOTA:All stars maps a try and it was too good. The idea of having RPG and RTS elements without boring things like resource management, unit production is all what a RPG fan can ask for. I must say it is very addictive and it's very hard to get off the computer once you are hooked on it.

At first it was very confused. With over 90 odd heroes( i don't know whether there are newer maps ) it was pretty tough decision to make. Gradually it was clear what was to be done and i set out, killing creeps and getting killed by creeps/heroes. I always seemto loose when i play as The Scourge. So i always go for the Sentinels. I heard many of my friends say that DOTA is lot of fun and highly addictive. I never knew what they meant until i tried it on my own. I played it for several hours until finally i was tired out. Lookin forward for online play. Any takers?

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Humour:Gender Inequality on Facebook

[This image does not belong to me and i don't know who did it. Hats off to the man who made this and thanks to my friend vivek through whom i came to know about this photo :D]

I don't know about females, but most of the males have experienced it at some point or other. It is always seen that females get the highest number of comments, likes on their status, posts, photos and whatever they post, share on FB. If you like something, it is best to like or comment on the update. It really makes the other person happy.Aren't you happy to make someone happy without spending anything? then why don't some people appreciate it??!!. It really pisses me off.

I don't know about each one of you. There may be some girls who feel they don't get proper attention, or there may be guys who gets overwhelming responses to anything they post. What im speaking is can either be taken as a HUMOUR if you are popular, or as a true fact for some, who are not so popular among the group.

Suppose you post anything that you made it yourself in order to get some attention, you manage to get a little or no attention at all. I'm writing this blog and do you think anyone really cares? i barely get any response and even if i do, i have a pretty high bounce rate( is it so bad??!). If you were a girl, anything you post, whether it is copied or not, you'll be seeing a lot of "likes" and comments.

There is no cure for that kind of nature. But it's kind of funny to know that men will be men. Whether it is offline or online. I don't really mind such people. It's just that i don't get any attention to such an extent that even trolls are welcome in my blog :D. SO unles you have some really really star category post, MEN cant get attention even as near as that of girls. Have fun.

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Youtube Video's i found very funny.

These are some of the video's that made me ROFL every time i watch it. I do not own any of the videos. They belong to their respectice owners who originally made it. Enjoy :) please comment.

Angry German Kid Vs Microsoft:

Halo Funny Situations:

Rajnikanth castrol ad:

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Funny series:Surviving a horror movie

As a result of youtube and movie "The Ring", i had a strange dream that i watched a youtube video which will kills you in a week!!!. From that inspiration, i am proud to present you survival guide on "How to survive a horror movies/games" . I know there are lots of other llist of same category better than mine. I just made it for fun sake. enjoy :D..

Imagine you are watching a movie late night. Suddenly hands grow out of your TV and drag you into the movie. You know there is a homicidal killers, bloody monsters from hell, aliens, ghosts out here to taste your blood. These tips can probably prevent you from seeing yourself gutted out.

1.Be a girl:
Now before anybody says im a cross-dresser, let me say im not. In most horror movies, the person who survives is probably a female. Being a female greatly increases your chances of survival, with all the males ready to sacrifice for you. And for God's sake, Don't just stand there staring your friends heart ripped apart. Run girl run!!!

2.Don't be a good guy or bad guy:It is a very possibility that good guys may die while protecting the lady. The bad guys are pretty much screwed up, with their "creations" going out of control ending up him/her being the first kill of the creature. if you did not make the creature, you will be killed when you are trying to rape the heroin. My advice, BE THE MONSTER!!!... you will definitely survive :p..

3.Detach from all emotional attachments:If you are lucky enough to survive most of the movie, you'll witness deaths of your loved ones. But its time to move on. If your girlfriend dies, you will get another in an about half an hour (Usually your gf's friend, villain's mom etc) so chill out dude!..

4.Be nice,not good:Don't tease animals, little boys and girls or elderly. Chances are that when they return as ghost, demon, mutant or something horrible, you are going to be killed before the rest. And mind your own business.

5.Check fuel level of your vehicle:The Last thing in the universe you'll wish for is an empty fuel tank of your vehicle in middle of no where. On top of that you are in a place where reports of mutilated bodies found, or an insane killer was last seen. If you have to go somewhere, check the TV or radio for any disturbing events and head the other way. Well, If you did screw up in middle of forest full of wolves howling, why not go back where you came from instead of camping. And never ever, EVER enter creepy old mansion up the hill.

6.Be superstitious: Mocking the rituals, not obeying old man/woman advice and opening something you were not supposed too is a sure way of getting killed in a horrifying manner. Do not be present anywhere near that place or person. If your friend is not superstitious better avoid them too as they will end up doing weird things and you as their friend, will have to pray price too. Get out of the town, change your name, get a new face, get a new job, get a new life.

7.Ancestors Blessing: Unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that your ancestors killed the bad guys each time, DO NOT FIGHT with it, even if you have the only weapon which could kill him/her/it. Ultimately you will be killed, and the hero( Whose ancestors kicked butts every time) of the movie yoink your weapon, kills it and finally kisses the heroin. got it?

8.Stay away from dolls: Dolls are creepy and attract demons/spirits. steer away from them.

9.Don't be greedy: Think you are in a treasury of some ancient king/shaman/witch who came back to life. It does not matter whether you are with good or bad guys. When the hero kills the nemesis, the whole building will eventually start to collapse/ Only portal way back home was closing all the way through battle. In such scenarios it is not wise filling your gold coins, buckets or whatever. Just get the hell out. Chances are that you will be buried underground/ left as a snack for the wild beasts.

10.Don't have a crush on heroine/Be her ex:PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING AT ALL COSTS!!!!.... especially if hero is still alive, you MUST die. You will be far more stupid to save your girl from whatever harming her and you get killed in action, forcing you to let her "in arms" of the main hero. if you MUST have crush, choose heroine's friend. Though it won't guarantee that you will be alive, it does not mean that you have to die. Most films only have supporting actor's/actress's gf/bf killed.

Thanks for reading. Please please comment whether you liked the list or not. If not, Check under your bed at 3:00 am. ha ha ha.... have fun folks :)n

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How to protect yourself from scams

1.If the offer is too good to be true, then it probably is. Stay away from such deals.

2.Never send money to someone to meet online. Even if you know them for a long time.

3.Don't share personal information like address, phone number online.

4. Don't Download any executable files sent by someone you just met online, or any other friend( ask him/her first whether they sent it, there is a chance that your friend's email computer is infected by a self replicating worm) There is no saying what damage it can cause.

5. Think twice before posting pictures of yourselves, family and friends on the internet.Scammers might steal your pictures to use them for their profit, or gain information about you.

6. If you get an email which looks like a scam, delete it right away. It may have a read receipt that allows the sender to know that you have read the mail and you may be target for more annoying emails.

7. Even for sake of entertainment or education, don't respond to the scammers. These are very dangerous criminals. It might look adventurous, but goofing around with such people is certainly not a healthy activity. If you are being troubled by such people, contact your local authorities.

8.If hit by hitman scam, don't fret. Unless the email contains details which can identify you like your name, address, city, there is no need to get scared.Just hit the delete button right away.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Online Scams

Scams are present in every corner of the world in some form or another. Whether it is in developed countries, developing countries or underdeveloped, Scams continue to wreak havoc upon lives, cheating innocent people out of their money. With the technological progress, Scammers too adapt to new technologies to trap their victims. In the online age too scammer continue to lure gullible victims into their trap. New type of scams emerge everyday. The following lists of most infamous scams online.

1.Advance fee fraud:
Also called Nigerian "419" scam, This scam usually involves an email which promises the receiver a large sum of money in exchange for helping a "family" withdraw money from a country, mostly Nigeria. If the person responds to their mail, The scammer asks for the bank details, address, name and all personal data on the pretext of transferring their money to your account, for which the victim will receive commission. What the scammer really does is withdraw all the money from the victim's bank account leaving him/her penniless. Sometimes scammer asks to send him/her money in order to withdraw money from account in their country. But their demand for money never seem to end. Officers need to be bribed, transaction charges, customs, taxes and all other excuses start coming from the party. It is when the victim had enough of this circus and declines to send more money. After that the victim will no longer hear from the party. All the money he/she sent to them is gone for good. Other times the scammer do sends the victim a cheque but it turns out to be fake always.

Sometimes the victims themselves are lured into a foreign country, making the matter even worse. These scammers are dangerous and may have criminal records. I also heard of a similar scam where the scammer bring a black paper which, upon washing with some kind of "chemical" reveals to be a 100$ bill. Later he convinces the victim that he/she is legit. Later when the victims checks the black currency is all fake.

2.Online Romance Scammers:
(aka Russian scam) Do you think that posting picture of yourself on the internet is pretty innocent? Lots of people post pictures of themselves, their families on social networking sites like MySpace, hi5, FaceBook etc. Suppose a cheat obtains a your pictures over the internet, and uses your identity to rob other people, how would you feel about that? You have just entered the world of identity theft.

Romance scam is one of the end products of the identity theft. A cheat obtains a picture of an innocent man/woman from the internet ( social networking sites, modelling sites). Then he/she will create profiles with your name over a number of dating sites to lure victims. Once they get their potential victim, they start laying the trap.

Foremost, They try to gain the confidence of the victim. The victim usually falls in love with the imposter. After months of exchanging emails and sweet IM's. The scammer asks the victims for money on the pretext of meeting them, or some emergency. If the victim obliges, they continue to ask money on a frequent money until one fine day, the victim realises that he/she is taken for a ride. Victim won't hear from the scammer again, ever. This scam hurts both mind and heart. Imagine the person who thought to be his/her soulmate turned out to be a scammer. One feels frustrated, angry and stupid. All those futile moments of waiting at the airport for "soulmate" to arrive, all those dreams, the memories, the sweet talks, everything is one big, fat lie.

3. Lottery scam:
This scam is similar to advance fee fraud with the only difference in the plot. Advance fee fraud usually tells tale of a rich widow, nigerian prince or some top government official whereas in lottery scam, the victim receives an email or SMS saying that his/her email had a tag which was selected and is awarded a large amount of money. It also asks the victim not to tell to anyone about their winnings. Same as any other nigerian scam, victim pays, scammer is never heard again.

4.Hitman Scam:
This scam can either make you fall of floor laughing or make you get paranoid about your friends. This scam involves emails sent to unsuspected victims, stating that i (hitman) have been paid to kill you by a person, who is a close friend of yours and i have been examining your activities closely from past few weeks. The letter continues saying that the hit man will not kill you if you agree to pay him a large sum of cash. Sometimes it also states that if victim contacts the local authorities, he will not have any other choice to carry out his contract. This looks pretty stupid, but trust m.e, many people have fallen for this scam, losing millions of dollars in process.

5.Ipad scam/gift card scam and similar:
Let's say one fine day you are surfing the internet. You come across a pretty neat website which offers you Canon Rebel SLR digital camera for 100$. You are tempted not to let go of this oppurtunity. The website looks pretty neat and professional. So you decide to go for it. After you gave the website your credit card details, you begin waiting for your camera. You wait for a week, fortnight, a month but still no sign of your camera. Finally you do recieve a mail, but it is not your camera. It is your credit card statemet, with outrageous transactions. There are lots of similar scams on the internet deceiving gullible customers.

Thats all for now. Tomorrow lets discuss about how you can detect these scams and the precautionary measures necessary with these scams. Have a nice time folks!!

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How to trace an Email:

Before you assume anything, let me tell you at the beginning itself that this method WILL NOT give you the perfect address of the machine. This is used for figuring out the location approximately.
GMAIL and Yahoo! Mail.
Select the mail. and enable full headers( found at the bottom of the message). Upon enabling, you can see other information regarding the message such as through which server it cam from, receiving server, path and all. Look for "Received" row. the ip address of the sender is present within the pair of braces. Note : This is not always a guaranteed method as the IP address of the mail servers are sometimes added instead of machine IP.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Facebook changed our lives:

Long before Internet invaded our lives, how did we interact with friends and family? First, we used our land line phones. It went on till our parents started to get outrageous bills. So land line life was short lived. So we got adapted to traditional methods. Meeting friends at their houses, writing letters to them if they were far, exchanging greetings, hanging out etc. Things were lot better back then. We actually interacted with the people. God gave us mouth to talk and let our feelings out, not just to curse the F word when something unexpected happens :).

Let's skip the internet thing for now. Lets talk about Facebook. Designing( I'd say invention) facebook was perhaps the best thing netizens could have hoped for. Maintaining friends, interacting with them was taken to a whole new level. You can play games with them, upload images rather than sending photos through postal. Everyone started taking things for granted. You don't talk to people who you see frequently in your life but you don't forget to add them on facebook, that poor guy thinks he just got a friend.Wrong, he is neither a real friend nor false friend, you are just an increment to the friend counter. How does that feel? after adding to list, if the person sees his "increment" somewhere, he won't even bother to smile. that is pathetic.

Facebook is a great way to pass time. i have absolutely nothing to say against that.However, if you have annoying relatives, and they post embarrassing picture of yourself tagged it, you can expect many ROFL's from your friends. Your friends come to know about you are tagged in a photo. The real problem comes when you go to school or work next day. I bet you can see your friends giggling as you walk by and some ask you about the photo too. There is nothing more frustrating than being made a laughing stock publicly.

The greetings and gifts, They always made feel important and better. I appreciate sending "virtual" gifts and cards. But don't you think if one gets REAL card and gifts, he'll be more happy?. After all a small Rs.50 worth pencil stand has more value than virtual diamond rings or a BMW ( I would have appreciated that too ;) ). My friends staying in hostel do celebrate birthdays. Forget gifts and cards, even wishes are now in form on posts or scraps. Where are the days when you give birthday bumps till the person cries for mercy? where's the spirit of spending whole day just to arrange a surprise party for your pal. I agree there is nothing wrong celebrating birthday on facebook. But celebrating it in real is a lot different and fun

and bond of friendship strengthens up.
How can you forget the games. The central focus of facebook lies in the hands of these social games. Now it's come so common that your neighbouring kid does not have time to play some sports with you but is free enough to send you the request to be his neighbour in Farmville. I myself used to play farmville for hours together, waiting for the silly plants to grow up. Finally one day i was fed up and i quit. The issue is not only about farmville. Also including other ____ville games, Mafia wars, world wars, vampire wars and other wars which are in more number than actual wars in real world. I find them like chewing gum, exciting and fun at first, finally i get rid of it. From growing carrots to robbing banks, i have done it all in FB.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hit By Nostalgia part 2: The cartoons of 1990 era

[Images belong to their respective trademark owners.]
Hey.. i am back with remaining list of cartoons that dominated my childhood years. Click on like or digg if you like my list.. have fun :)

In the late 1990's, the craze of pokemon spread throughout the country like a viral fever. On top of it, It dominated all entertainment medium. The TV show ruled the television, pokemon gameboy game was on a rampage, there was even a card game on pokemons. In every fair i visit, I would find at least one shop selling pokemon cards, still to this day. The basic
necessity of every kid(who had access to cable) during that period was food, shelter,clothing and POKEMON!!!. I was infected by pokemon fever too. I created an MS excel file which has names of all 151 pokemons back then. The file is password protected to open and modify. It was damn crazy. The first few seasons of pokemon was too good, I'd say addictive. You asked action, You got action. But after a few seasons, they started airing same seasons over and over and OVER again. This made me really mad. You are dying to see what happens to ash next and your stupid cable operator airs the show right from the very first episode of season 1. You will feel like smashing the TV on your cable operator's skull. I all the reruns except one, rerun of orange islands. Here, Ash battles a guy with a superstrong poliwrath. In course of duel, ash's pokemons suffers defeat in hands of poliwrath. Finally Ash chooses his disobedient charizard. Initially it did not listen to ash, and went on fighting with its own will. Charizard's spree stopped when it was frozen solid by poliwrath. Any pokemon fan knows that ash tended charizard day and night, gained its obedience, and defeated poliwrath. But i only saw the episodes where charizard was frozen. After that episode Cartoon network india aired reruns of orange league beginning, and couple more reruns right from first episode of first season.. WTH??!! i used to count number of episodes that were left before the charizard episode. And now, there are freaking 650+ pokemons.. how are you supposed to remmber them all, or to be very accurate, catch them all if they keep on adding pokemons. To sum it up, i loved pokemon only till orange league, and only watched(no love) till hoenn league. After that i stopped watching it.

5.Tom & Jerry:
"What happens after lion roars?"Well, Tom and jerry starts :D. I have been watching the shows when i was as young as 3. we did not have cable connection back then, but had Video cassettes of almost all episodes of Tom and jerry. I was like a family cartoon to us.My mom, dad,sis and i used to sit and watch it together. It was fun to see tom getting burnt, squashed, smashed, blown,pierced and all without actual harm ;). Probably this is the only cartoon where even the new episodes are good. I just love Tom & Jerry .

4.The centurions:
I used to rush home from school, just to see this cartoon. I used to run around screaming "POWER XTREME" much to the disgust of my parents. Centurions was among my first action cartoons. Many of my friends were fans of this cartoon and we used to discuss about the show in middle of classes. the gadgets, robots and everything sci-fi fiction need to have.The intro music still hums in my head. I still watch reruns of the show. Hats off centurions. Hope there would be new episodes in future.

3.The Flintstones:
Meet the stone-age family!!.. Flinstones was way too funny to watch with straight face and even more funnier was the prehistoric technology. I was mad about flintstones. As soon as the show starts, i forget everything and glue myself to the TV. All the characters are totally awesome and each episode is as enjoyable as ever. It is similar to the jetsons in terms of the story. The Flintstones was pre-historic whereas The Jetsons was set in future. Both shows rocked and had decent comedy, not like the lousy,stupid ones they have these days.

Another action packed cartoon of my childhood. These deadly fighting felines can satisfy your need for raw and pure action. The action stunts and cats kicking butts is everything one can ask for. I admired the sword in the cartoon the most. I used to draw it many times and feel like proud owner of it. The next cartoon in the list is also related to felines, it is none other than

1.Swat kats:
The cartoon which made me dream of constructing a 3-engine jet fighter and go on a killing spree. I'm proud to say that i am still a huge fan of swat kat. The intro music, the story, the characters everything is flawless. From city super heroes swat kats,their baby the Turbokat, "Get me a chopper back up" Feral, mayor manx, dark kat, everything and i mean EVERYTHING on the show is superb. The names of the character are usually the pun on names of actual breed of cat (read in wikipedia ^_^ ). Truly, When it comes to action cartoon, There is no match for swat kats. Swat kats rule Mega kat city as well as our minds :)..

Bonus: The Looney tunes:
[Image belongs to Warner Bro's]
Behold!, The show which featured Bugs bunny, daffy duck, coyote, road runner, sylvester, tweety and other memorable characters. It's like watching all your favourite cartoon shows on one go without spending an extra hour in front of TV. How cool is that?. I still have doubt whether it's "Looney Tunes" or "Looney Toons".But what's in the name when the show is so amazing and brilliant. I loved all the characters in the show especially bugs bunny. Each character have their own unique signature to make people die laughing. Whether it is coyote, who follows "Try and try again" a little too far, Bugs Bunny and his signature line "eh..what's up doc?" while munching carrots, sylvester on his never ending quest to digest tweety everything was unique with no similar plot, jokes. Warner Bro's gave Disney a really tough competition. The Looney Tunes is as old as 1930's . I still have some of their black and white classics. Surprisingly, i find them more enjoyable then post 2000 cartoons. I don't miss any chance to watch the Looney tunes. Keep up the tunes Warner Bro's .!!

This ends my list. Finally, if you look on all the cartoons of 1980,1990 era, you can notice that cartoons at those times had PLOT. and they don't tend to drag it like chewing gum making the series boring. Even though graphics may not be as top notch like recent times. A mind-blowing story and characters beyond our imagination was much more than enough to perform a miracle. What is the use of latest graphics and star studded cast if you don't have nice plot?. Thanks friends :)

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Hit by nostalgia part 1:Cartoons of 1990 era

Today i will be talk about the cartoons i used to watch between 1992-2000. Those years can be rightly called the golden years of my life. I still remember few moments of cartoons when i was that young. For the people enjoying the 80's i have no idea how the entertainment media was back then. But i do believe that most of the cartoons i watched were repeat telecast of the 80's shows. This list is more focused on the cartoons i used to watch when i was young, not necessarily cartoons made in that decade. I apologize if any readers( i hope there are ) feel that the list is biased. I wrote what i felt about the shows. so here they are. Enjoy :)

10.Dexter's Laboratory:
This cartoon is the one and only cartoon that my sister and myself used to watch together. Co-incidentally she used to be as annoying as deedee :p. i just hope she won't read this post as i don't want this to be my last post. Dexter's laboratory never bored me, each episode was unique. From aliens, conflicts between dexter and deedee, rivalry between mandark, out of the world technology, weird machines and gizmos and what not. The man behind the nine year old genius, Genndy Tartakovsky is truly a remarkable genius. It is sad that there is no more productions of this series and it is currently being rerun on boomerang. I especially live the show because my sister somehow will eventually get hold of my secrets no matter how much precaution i take just like deedee miraculously enters dexter's lab evading all security and whatever he throws at her. This cartoon will always have a special place in my life.

9. Popeye:
"I'm popeye the sailor man, I'm popeye the sailor man" remember the song? remember its tune?. One of the cartoons that boosted the sale of spinach in US. Maybe they could have introduced similar cartoons to make kids finish their vegetables. Popeye is as old as 1920's ( could have tried asking grandpa, which is not possible, even if he was alive, it would be futile effort). I'm sure most of you remember him, or is still favourite among. The story is kind of monotonous, all episode may look similar. Usually first part involves popeye with his girlfriend olive oyl, next part involves Bluto interfering between them, or kidnapping her. Next, popeye gets mercilessly beaten upby Bluto and his goons. Before delivering final blow, popeye pulls our spinach from his shirt( or being fed by some friend), he starts up like a machine( probably a steam engine running in his biceps, or similar) , beats up the goons into leather bags, tin cans, portraits etc, delivers final blow to Bluto and then they happily live ever after. Most episodes are similar except few where other character eats spinach and kick butts. Overall all episodes are very enjoyable. If you ever watched popeye in your childhood, i bet you still remember it.

8.He Man and the masters of the universe:
This show was aired on India's public broadcaster DoorDarshan. I used to watch it during my summer vacations as it was shown at around 3'o clock or 4'o clock in the afternoon. But the intro song used to play in my head, even after couple of years i stopped watching it. I did not have internet access too. So you can imagine how crazy it made me during those days. I assume no one needs introduction to He-man, the most powerful man in the universe, defender of Eternia and the secrets of castle grayskull from skeletor and his minions. Woah, the description is enough to make you curious and excited about the show. I loved cringer, Prince Adam's( alter ego of He-Man) pet, tiger (because he looks like a tiger but behaves like a cat). But his true potential comes out when, yeah you got it right. He Man sometimes transforms cringer into a mighty battlecat. I used to wait for these scenes and would literally scream when it does. Those days... sniff.. :'(

7.Captain planet:
"GO PLANET!!!" yup, you can say this is one of the cartoons which highlights the dangers of pollution to the nature and promotes importance of environmental protection in form of cartoon. It covers serious topics like poaching, deforestation, dumping wastes in water sources, nuclear waste and other threats.The plot revolves around 5 teenagers, who obtained 5 different rings from Gaia , spirit of earth to protect earth from pollution. Individual Rings have power of 5 elements, earth, fire,wind,water,heart( you cant do anything with sky right? just joking, Love binds people together :) ) respectively. and the 5 teenagers( consisting of mixed racial ethnicities, pointing out earth belongs to all and its our responsibility to protect it) called "planeteers". The Epic moment arrives when the problem of antagonists( maniacs who seems to enjoy polluting environment for profit) goes beyond control of the planeteers and they decide to combine their powers together, creating one of the most "EPIC" moments in cartoon history. Behold, Superhero of mother earth, Captain planet, ready to dispose the trash and eco-villains "safely". At the end of each episode, planeteers and captain planet( sometimes with Gaia) share steps on how we can preserve our environment.Sad that nowadays nobody makes such cartoons.

REST OF THE CARTOONS WILL BE DISCUSSED TOMORROW.I know the image pretty much explains which all cartoons ill be talking about. But i have "ONE BONUS CARTOON" that ruled my childhood. So stay tuned. HAVE FUN FOLKS :)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Printer Demon

I would like to introduce you to my friend who has taken the pain during my final year by printing countless pages of notes and textbooks, HP L7500 officejet printer. A friend indeed, my foot!! always breaks up when i need it the most!!!. From past few months, it's been giving all sorts of errors possible. Even after having it fully serviced which made my pocket very light. I could have bought a new printer with that money. I received my printer back after a month or so. I did not have work with it for quite some time. Two days back, i need to take a printout of a form and i asked my "best and reliable" electronic friend. Guess what? in first print cartridge got stalled, Paper jammed in duplex and in corners. When i tried to remove the paper, it was teared to pieces, making the troubleshooting harder than ever was. still after an hour of cleaning, i was sure that there are no more paper bits when i realised i am a dumbass. I did not fix carriage stalled problem. I went through their user manual and after doing about a dozen acrobatic tricks, carriage returned where it should be. I patted myself on the back and took a test page. The results is not what i expected after so "EPIC FAIL" is. In my previous post i mentioned that i was worried that i have to shell out cash to buy a new mouse. Guess i spoke too soon.i did not have spend on mouse, Instead i have to spend even more on Ink cartridge. This proves that if you are destined to go bankrupt, you will get bankrupt in one way or another no matter how many times your luck saves you. So have a nice time folks..!! Do comment on the post Thank you :)

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I smell a "mouse" in my laptop.

After i was done with my blog posting yesterday, i noticed that my laptop battery has gone pretty low. When i inserted the charger, the mouse stopped working. I tried re-plugging the mouse, but still i got the message that Windows can not detect the USB device has device malfunctioned. I bought this mouse just a few months back and it started acting like a nagging spouse?. If that was not enough, my mom started shouting at me that i have been sitting in front of laptop too long. I already have heard enough scoldings for the day and i shut down the laptop without a word. Today i tuned the laptop back on, And to my surprise, mouse was working!! i was so relieved. now i don't have to shell out another 800 Rs for a nice mouse. Upon googling on how it happened, i got my answers. The culprit was the motherboard. Sometimes the motherboard needs to be rebooted and things can go wrong. upon shutting down and unplugging the power source, the USB will be back to normal.Anyways i was so glad that i my mouse started working.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Signs that indicate you are craving badly to be in a relationship.

Yes, No one can deny the fact that at some point in life or another, we all had a deep wish to fall in love with someone, just like in the movies, holding hands, expressing love and all the romantic stuffs. But sometimes wishes go unfulfilled so lond that we start going mad and hungry for it jus like a tiger which has starved for over a month. If you ask me, These are the signs that show have been longing for a realtionship.

1.Whenever you see couples in town, you start getting jealous:
This is a no brainer. When you go out of your house into the town, where i am sure you are bound to see atleast one couple cuddling, you start getting angry on yourself. You start cursing yourself why i am not having a girlfriend/boyfriend. To make things worser, you stil think about the matter when you are on your way home, eating, sleeping. It just ruins your whole day.

2. Registering yourself on every online dating sites you can find:
Obviously if you don't find a girlfriend/boyfriend in real-life, i will go next best thing, online dating. But i find it kind of awkward, i mean if you are interested in having a partner from other parts of your country, or even perhaps, other parts of the world, your actions can be justified. But looking for a partneer in your local area is like asking someone based in another planet to help you look a guy/girl in your reach. Forget that, lets say valentine did not shower you with blessings and may be you are destined to find your partner through the website. But what's with the rampage of signing up on each and every site you find? Chances are that people may see your profile literally on every site and start saying you are really a dork. Will that help you getting your soulmate or girlfriend?

3.Googling how to lead a single life:
So you don't mind being called rude names and went berserk registering yourself in about a 1000 dating sites. Either you remain single as before, or you went totally nuts remembering the usernames and passwords of that many websites. Finally you begin to feel that its no point wasting time on this and accept the fact that you'll be having f****** single label on ur a** for rest of your life. But the thoughts of being 45 year old single (you can use the word virgin, if applicable :p ) gives you creeps. So you google it, read out experiences of other ill-fated people who could not land up with a partner. You begin researching on it as if you are a scientist set to build a teleporter( it was my ambition when i was 4 :) ). Seriously, if you start showing up this sign, better go out on a walk the very minute.

4. Googling/posting on forums whether it's normal for your age to be single:
Now you begin to feel inferior about yourself. Matters which rarely bothered you before now become matter of your life and death. Am i too fat? am i too thin? is my hair rough? is my hair short? do i have hair at all? OMG, one pimple on my face!! what shall i do??! what shall i do??!!. Oh come on, since when you started becoming so beauty consciouos? you begin spending too much time checkin out yourself. So you sit in front of the PC and start posting on forums whether it is normal for guys or girls of your age to be single. Though i kind of feel sorry for such people, it also makes me think what is going on in their head? If they don't have confidence on themselves, how can they expect to swipe someone off their feet?. I even saw some people who, even after getting satisfactory replies on their problem, start whining around all over again which really pisses other off. What do they expect? people should leave all their work and start gf/bf hunting for him/her?. These whiners become annoying than trolls.

5.You start hitting your friends of opposite sex.
I don't say that your male/female friends can't become bf/gf. But most probably they just have brotherly or sisterly feelings for you. By the time you think why not have them as partner, their feelings and opinion about will be changed drastically. Plus it will look pretty stupid if other person is very conservative or short tempered. All it takes is one lousy move from you, and you can ruin the friendship. Even if the other person makes up your mind that we are good as friends, from that point, no matter whether you changed your opinion or not, all your acts od affection may be perceived in a wrong manner by the other person. As far as my experience, we are no longer friends anymore, initially everything will be fine. Let few months pass, im sure your affection as a friend will be taken wrong. yeah, it happened to me folks, and i have learnt from that incident.

6.You develop strange addiction to romantic movies/novels/TV shows etc:
Till now you went on telling your family and friends that movies and tv shows are different from real life. Now you are infected with no-love virus and you seem to forget your own words. You start taking notes from movies and TV shows on how to attract boy/girl. Television becomes your dating guide. You watch how the hero attracts his love interest with full attention and concentration which is probably 100 times more than the combined concentration you have in history classes throughout your school. You know that this is all a set up and whether the heroine likes the apprach or not, she has to do what she is paid for. but since your neural network is totally twisted and re-connected by single-too-long syndrome( caused by no-love virus) you start to dream that your crush will fall for it. And if you know anyone you know who shows this sign (hope not yourself) you won't come out of it easily. The only way is to put it into action, get heavily embarrassed, realize your folly and continue with your life normally.

7.You start searching for your crushes on facebook/orkut and other social networking sites:
You proposed your crush, and you get dumped before you get into relationship. isn't that familiar? Now since that epic moment, many months or perhaps years have passed. If you are still single, You will have a strange urge to find your old crushes on social networking sites you are on. Even if you know it is not going to do any good, you cant resist the feeling like you cant resist digging your itchy nose. And some creeps, go to the extent of adding them to their friend list.Now what makes you think that she/he will come running for you? Chances are that, You are going to called a sticky dumbass who likes to stalk. nice name right?

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Top 5 Games i love

We all loved Video games at some point or other. While some still love playing them like i do, others deny that they do with a stereotype that it is for kids (if it was for kids, do you think game ratings is actually needed at all?).
Normally i am a huge fan of Real Time Strategy and RPG genre. So here is the list of top 5 games i loved.[note: These are the games i liked the most. Apologies if anyone feels that the game is stupid or something similar]

5. Diablo 2:

[image belongs to blizzard Inc]
Publisher:Blizzard Inc
Released in:2000
Genre:Dark Fantasy RPG
I loved this game. Especially playing as a Necromancer. I'd enjoy myself summoning creatures and let them do the dirty jobs while i sit and watch doing nothing. The graphics was amazing and storyline was awesome, comprising of four acts, or chapters.Each spanning from several hours to several weeks. It took me around six months to complete this game( yeah i am pretty bad at gaming). There are five interesting classes to choose from, the Barbarian, Amazon, sorceress, Paladin and Necromancer. After you finish the entire game in one difficulty, You get the title "sir" in front of your character name, and you can play the game again from the scratch with increased difficulty, in which the creatures are tougher to kill than normal and drop rare items which cannot be found in previous difficulty. Overall Diablo 2 is one game you must try out.

4. Command and Conquer:Red alert 3:

[Image courtesy:EA]
Developed by: Electronic arts.
Similar to previous C&C red alert series, the game continues where Red Alert 2 ended. In this game, the Soviet union still exists and is about to collapse. But the tables turn when Soviet scientist Dr.Zelinsky invents a time machine ( just like Einstein did for the allies) which is used by Gn.Secretary of CPSU Anatoly Cherdenko to travel back in time to erase Einstein from the timeline, who was responsible for the allies technological superiority. When they come back to the present, they found out that in this new timeline, the allies are on the run and pretty much all of Europe is under Soviet Union. But due to this change in timeline, Cherdenko becomes the new premiere of SU and rise of another superpower apart from the Allies and Communists, the Empire of the rising sun, a technologically advanced country from Japan, led by Emperor Yoshiro and the shogunates, set its goal on world domination. Unlike RA2, there is no Nuclear weapon, chronolegionnaire (As a result of removing Einstein from timeline). The Graphics is amazing but for players who played RA2 first for them it may look like bath toys. The Gameplay is pretty much like any other RTS game. There are three campaigns, The Allies, The Soviets and the Imperials, each campaign on the view of the respective faction. Another feature is the AI. You can control your co-commander of the mission through four different commands. The enemy AI is not bad too. But Skirmish gameplay is a big letdown. There is not much of options in it. For example in RA2(Miss you WestWood :( ) you can disable the superweapons if you like a long gameplay. Here, If you choose easy, You can barely find the game enjoyable, Play on hard, and you find yourself swarmed by enemy troops non stop till you crumble and if you manage to stand up, the AI will use superweapons and remove you from battle for good, which is a big let down if you like battles which last for hours. Another interesting fact is the starcast. Some of the cast of RA3 includes Tim curry, Andrew Divoff (portrayed Mikhail Bakunin in LOST), Ivana Milicevic( I remeber her seein in Casino Royale), Vanessa branch("Fabulous"! :P), Gina Carano, Jonathan pryce( Antagonist in Tomorrow never dies), Gemma Atkinson and others make up the star cast. But i really wished EA paid more attention to the game options, gameplay and the storyline rather than the star cast. It would have made the game experience better. If it isn't enough, how about making it BEST by combining nice game options + better gameplay+no repeated storyline with the existing cast?. Well, amidst the flaws, RA3 is one of the few games i still love playing.

3.Left 4 Dead:

[Image courtesy:Valve]
Developed by:Valve
Genre: Cooperative FPS.
I was always a fan a zombie movies, so i tried this game out for the first time offline with AI bots, though AI teammates suck a bit, i enjoyed it very much, the lighting, the eerie sense of zombies lurking around the corner, tough special infected, nice guns, and the most important, the gore, you literally see blood and grey matter spatter around when you shoot zombies. It includes four chapters( excluding DLC). In each chapter, the team has to make their way to Rescue vehicle at the end of each chapter. Considering the online game elements you have a vast choice. You can choose campaign where you+3 of your friends make way through the entire chapter. Another mode called versus, where you have 8 human players, 4 human and 4 special infected. Humans try to complete the level, and other team tries to stop them ASAP. After a few rounds, the team swaps the side and take revenge on the latter :) .A nice blend of horror FPS and co-op gameplay with nice storyline, smooth graphics and has both PC and XBOX 360 version.

2.The Sims 3
[Image courtesy:EA]
Genre:Life simulation
The first time played The Sims 3, i went absolutely crazy about it. Totally cool game. You create a character and lead a life. you get a job, get married, have kids, see them age up well, retire, see your kids settle, and much more. It is like leading a life you always dreamed of but it is not possible in reality. Each sim has traits( can be set by user) which decides how the sim will behave and how will the sim fare in skills.for example having artistic traits allows your sim to paint better paintings than other sims. Based on traits, Each sim will have a lifetime wish which upon completion will give you huge amounts of lifetime reward points, which you can exchange for some pretty cool things and abilities for your sim. and there are lots of things you can do in the game. The game can get bit monotonous if you create sims with same traits for like 5-6 generations. Try mixing sims with different set of traits and have a huge family. I am sure you will be having chronic hair pulling session after few hours of tirelessly fulfilling your sims wishes to keep them in better moods. You have to try it out yourself :).

1. Age of empires:The conquerors
[Image courtesy:Ensemble Studio and Microsoft Games]
Publisher:Ensemble Studios and Microsoft Games
I know it is a pretty old game, but it still is very enjoyable as it was first time it was released. An expansion to Age of Kings, This Pack has five new civilizations. The huns, Koreans, Aztecs, Mayans and Spanish. Also includes four new campaigns and changed random map gameplay. I still remember when i played it for the first time back in 2000, i was completely addicted to it. Apart from four new civilizations many other feature has been added like unique technology which is unique to each civilization, new maps like arena, ghost lake etc. The random map is best to play with your friends online, where you can show off your "military and diplomatic skill". The graphics amazing, The storyline is like reading a history book which can give you a sense that you are a hero fighting for a cause, for welfare of your people and all the epic stuffs. I came to know of many historic figures through this game. For all the gamers who love RTS genre, Age Of Empires series is a must have in their collection.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

I can't describe how excited i was when i installed CS 1.6 on my laptop. I saw my friends play it earlier. The game always excited me. Guns, explosions, headshots, team work and what not. Finally after i was done with my daily study quota, i installed the game. As the installation continued, the dream of becoming the greatest CS player already started sprouting. Counter-Terrorists, Terrorists, Planting the Bombs, Defusing the bomb. WOW!!

After Installation got over, i played with the bots for practice, though they were no thing but dumb dummies who would just stare at you instead of spraying lead. Taking them out was no big deal for me, which gave me over confidence that i'm a professional CS player ready to "pwn n00bs" online. so with great determination, i searched for CS servers in India, i found a couple of servers which i found pretty neat and joined. The next minute was not like what i had expected.

I started getting "owned" like a little kitten within minutes i started the game. After being killed 20-30 times without mercy in a row, by shooting skills began to improve a little bit. before i could realize what happened i got a messaging which said i have been kicked. i was shocked to see this. I logged into the server again and played fine for about 15-20 minutes. I scored
a lucky shot through the door or something like that, when i was accused of wall hacking, a hack where the opaque game objects was made transparent by means of third party software. This really annoyed me, and i was about to justify myself when server administrator did not permanently ban me from the server.

Well, no matter, there are tons of other servers laying around, this where the latency problem started, Most of there servers kick you out if your latency or ping is greater than 200, and almost all the times on these servers, my ping was around 300. which was pretty dumb and caused me to lag frequently and getting kicked out faster than you blink your eyes. It was very frustating when your scores are good and when you are about to get top 3 position, you get kicked like a mangy cat.

Apart from hacking and other silly stuff, i pretty much enjoyed CS. I don't like violence much, but this was where i began to get sadistic. I enjoyed blowing heads off, gutting out with knife and all the not-so-gore stuff. I came to know some of the weapons thoroughly and one of my teammate said play lik 14-15 hours a day for a year straight and you'll be almost a professional.

If it takes that long to be a professional, i'm happy being a newbie. no offense, but there are many other priorities in life than a game. I still play it after im done with my work and stuff. After all who does not like to kill people without spilling a drop of blood online?. Let the game begin!!!

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[wikileaks logo]
It was just a few months ago the world was going waka waka thanks to FIFA world cup and it's catchy song sung by Shakira. Now the world is all going wiki wiki, thanks to Wikileaks and it's chief editor Julian Assange.

Seriously, this website literally shook many big brothers of the world. Now i see Wikileaks news in every headlines i see.Whether it is on news channel, newspaper or entertainment channels, It is there making news. I must say Wikileaks is pretty well guarded, supported (and funded) organization since without these three, the site would not even make it for a day.

There has been several cases which seems to pressurize wikileaks to shut down. First the was taken down by its DNS, Then comes the Paypal, which refused to accept donations for Wikileaks. Whatever the case, Wikileaks seems to continue on the rampage, exposing war crimes, corruption, espionage, abuse and other matters which are normally censored and classified. There has been several attacks, both directly and indirectly, from various countries and institutions Wikileaks exposed.

I'm not a fan of Wikileaks, But what fascinated me was the step they took. Exposing Intenational crimes and scandals. I wonder how the sources muster up courage to submit information to them. Just thinking about it gives me a frightening chill. Imagine giving out information which can put you in harms way. If it was against some organization which is widely known for crimes and terror was different. You can expect Law enforcement agencies and government to protect you. But when you give out information that can put you on wrong side of the law, who can you approach for safety? It is suicidal if the information relates both banned organization and government of the country you are staying in. But thanks to wikileak's military grade encryption, suite of security technology, and its privacy policies, you can have some relief that most probably you are not going to have agencies blasting through your door.

From exposing the classified information to alleged sex offense. An investigation opened against Assange and an arrest warrant was issued against him in connection with sexual encounters with two women (source:Wikipedia). Assange, in his defense, stated that he had consensual sexual encounters with these women, and also that this was a deliberate set up made by enemies of wikileaks.

Did Assange sexually assaulted these two women? or was it a set up made by his enemies? Can wikileaks stand up against the pressure? or will it succumb subsequently?. There are Many questions to be answered. As the time flies by, hopefully, we may get the answers to these questions..

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